by BaltimoreSeaSafari | Oct 25, 2015 | Sightings
Photographs taken from a Baltimore Sea Safari whale and dolphin watching boat trip which departed from Baltimore in West Cork, Ireland. We encountered Humpback whales that were feeding on sprats near Baltimore, which is on the Wild Atlantic Way in West Cork, Ireland....
by BaltimoreSeaSafari | Sep 16, 2015 | Sightings
Fin whales are a regular autumn and winter visitor to the waters off Baltimore in West Cork, Ireland. Baltimore Sea Safari operate whale and dolphin watching during our Sea Safari boat trips from Baltimore in West Cork. We have enjoyed great sightings of Fin whales...
by BaltimoreSeaSafari | Aug 27, 2015 | Sightings
On Friday 14th of August we were running one of our Baltimore Sea Safari boat trips, weather conditions were not good offshore with 20-22kts of NW wind and a 1.7m (waves) swell. We departed Baltimore in West Cork at 2pm and visited a Common seal colony adjacent to the...
by BaltimoreSeaSafari | Apr 6, 2015 | News, Sightings
Baltimore Sea Safari is a family run boat trip business from Baltimore in West Cork, Ireland, providing coastal sightseeing tours, with whale, dolphin, porpoise, seal and wildlife watching. The aim of Baltimore Sea Safari is to introduce our boat trip passengers to...
by BaltimoreSeaSafari | Feb 24, 2015 | Sightings
These photos capture the beauty of our West Cork coastline, and show some of the varied and spectacular wildlife that can be encountered on boat trips with Baltimore Sea Safari. We hope you enjoy these photos and that they will give you an idea of what can be seen in...